Talks and presentations

  1. “Efficient and Multiply Robust Risk Estimation under General Forms of Dataset Shift.” Qiu H, , Tchetgen Tchetgen E, Dobriban E.
    • 2024 Joint Statistical Meeting slides
  2. “Doubly Robust Proximal Synthetic Controls.” Qiu H, Shi X, Miao W, Dobriban E, Tchetgen Tchetgen E.
    • 2023 American Causal Inference Conference slides
    • 2022 CMStatistics slides
    • 2022 Fall Center for Causal Inference Seminar slides
  3. “Prediction Sets Adaptive to Unknown Covariate Shift.” Qiu H, Dobriban E, Tchetgen Tchetgen E.
    • 2024 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Electronics Engineering (AIEE 2024) slides
    • 2022 American Causal Inference Conference poster
    • 2022 Joint Statistical Meeting slides
  4. “Optimal individualized decision rules using instrumental variable methods.” Qiu H, Carone M, Sadikova E, Petukhova M, Kessler R, Luedtke A.
    • 2021 Joint Statistical Meetings slides
    • Causal working group (Johns Hopkins University) slides
    • 2020 ENAR Spring Meeting
    • Biostatistics student seminar
    • Causal working group (University of washington)
  1. “Constructing asymptotically normal plug-in estimators with highly adaptive Lasso and data adaptive series.” Qiu H, Luedtke A & Carone M.
    • 2019 WNAR/IMS/JR (Japanese Region) meeting.
    • Biostatistics student seminar